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EPA Lead Paint Classes

Person taping a caution lead hazard tape to wall

This course will satisfy the 8-hour training requirement to attain certification in Lead Paint Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP). Any contractor performing qualifying renovation, repair, or painting (RRP) work on pre-1978 homes or child-occupied facilities must employ at least one Certified Renovator who has successfully completed this training. Effective April 22, 2010, anyone who performs renovations, repairs, or painting in pre-1978 housing or child-occupied facilities must comply with the Lead RRP rule. Individuals and firms that are not certified could face fines of up to $41,056 per day. 

interior home demolition

Abatement is any set of measures designed to permanently eliminate lead-based paint hazards. Certified abatement firms must have certified Lead Abatement Workers on site who have completed lead abatement training & certification and have registered and been approved by the EPA or Authorized State. Abatement work that is not conducted by a Certified Lead Abatement Worker under the supervision of a certified Lead Supervisor is subject to heavy fines by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or Authorized State lead enforcement bodies. 

Lead Paint Abatement

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